OK That’s Us: on making theatre with students.


OK That’s Us

I’ve made a few shows with students over the years and I’m enjoying it more, year on year. In fact, on the rare occasion I find myself in a questionnaire situation and am asked about my theatrical inspirations, I find that I’m referring less to my august predecessors (the Complicities, the IOUs, the Insomniacs, the Right Size’s who I loved when I was first making theatre), but instead to the unfettered theatre-making passions of undergraduates who, with their desire to new-mint an original theatrical experience, continually remind me of the infinite possibilities of the form. I didn’t have any formal theatre training myself, and perhaps my enjoyment is in part about getting a chance to live in this world for a month here and there. Either way, if you are an adventurous theatre goer and get wind of an (often free) theatre show made by students in collaboration with an established company, then you could do a lot worse than turning up for what will often be a really fascinating live experience.

These pictures are from a show made with first year Theatre Studies undergraduates at Warwick University.



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